The Art of Public Speaking 12th Edition Page 411

Program Description

This major is designed to provide a remainder of theory, research, and practice. The course sequence provides professional skills courses in conjunction with applied theory and critical evaluative courses. Students develop an understanding of the role and event of advertising and public relations inside the business, social, and political arenas. Students develop abilities and skills that prepare them for a broad range of professional opportunities that include: media planning and relations, enquiry, and customer services. Analytical abilities are every bit stressed throughout the curriculum. Critical thinking skills, artistic problem-solving, and the need to justify decisions are developed. Theory and practice from a wide range of disciplines including business, behavioral sciences, and applied statistics are used to equip the students to make informed decisions in a dynamic environment.

An important aspect of the program is the examination of the upstanding implications of strategic advice practices used in the marketing, advertizement and public relations arena. Students volition develop a framework that will help them to understand and evaluate supporters and critics of strategic communications practices.

Advertising Option

Bachelor at the following campuses: University Park

All courses in the advertising option emphasize the disquisitional importance of integrated communication. The objective of the curriculum is to prepare students for entry-level opportunities in the advertising profession and to set up for eventual managerial roles where an agreement of integrated communication concepts is essential.

The program reflects an integrated marketing communications approach to the pattern implementation and evaluation of advertising messages. In improver to mastering the cadre professional person courses, students are expected to accept an understanding of the convergence of mass communication theory and do and are encouraged to select from courses in communication theory, communication law, mass media history, ethics, and the impact of ad and public relations on guild.

Public Relations Option

Available at the following campuses: University Park

The public relations curriculum prepares students for the challenges of public relations practice in a highly competitive, technological, multicultural, and global environment. In their course of report, students study the office and function of public relations in building cooperative mutually beneficial relations between organizations and their constituent publics through understanding, credibility, and trust.

Students complete a core set of courses that includes news writing, introduction to public relations, public relations methods, mass communication research, and public relations bug (campaigns).

Considering of the disquisitional importance of journalistic writing skills and an understanding of news media ethics, public relations majors are encouraged to have additional journalism courses to fulfill their communication electives.

Advertising and public relations students are encouraged to choose a minor from exterior the Bellisario College of Communications. The bulk of majors select minors in business organization, English, sociology, psychology, political science, data systems and statistical analysis, foreign language, and speech communication.

What is Advertising and Public Relations?

In general, advertising and public relations are similar because the goal is sharing a message with an audience. At its simplest, advert relies on paid letters to typically to sell a product and public relations typically uses unpaid channels to sell an idea. Students who major in advertising/public relations at Penn State have a wealth of opportunities thanks to a degree that allows them to build on many of the same cadre skills before focusing on the advertisement or public relations rails. In each area, students can combine classroom education with hands-on piece of work through partnerships or real-life client projects. Advert students acquire the fine art of persuasive storytelling via multiple mediums and how ad affects mass media and how consumers are influenced by ads. Public relations students gain an understanding of brand building, research and strategic planning to position a message to brand an touch on through various channels.

You Might Like This Program If...

  • You're creative, curious and like sharing ideas and information with others.
  • You like to write and talk, or if you lot're comfortable with social media, advertising/public relations will play to your strengths.

Blueprint, digital storytelling and video skills are also valuable in the field as professionals regularly utilize a variety of tools to practise their jobs. In addition, the field thrives on collaboration merely as well allows room for self-directed workers to succeed.

Entrance to Major

This programme currently has administrative enrollment controls. Administrative Enrollment Controls are initiated when limitations of infinite, faculty, or other resources in a major preclude accommodating all students who asking them. Students must follow the administrative enrollment controls that are in consequence for the semester that they enter the university.

First-Year Students Entering Summertime 2021, Fall 2021, Spring 2022

In order to exist eligible for archway to this major, students must satisfy the following requirements:

  • 40-68 graded Penn State credits (excludes transfer and AP credits)
  • completed with a grade of C or amend: ENGL 15 or a University equivalent (courses that are in catalog and caste audit every bit canonical equivalents), ECON 102
  • earned a minimum cumulative grade-point average (GPA) of 3.25

Students Who Entered Prior to Summer 2021

Students who entered the University from Summer 2018 through Leap 2021 should view the administrative enrollment controls in the appropriate Undergraduate Bulletin archive. Students who entered the University prior to the summer 2018 semester should view the administrative enrollment controls for the semester that they entered the university on the Academic Advising Portal.

Degree Requirements

For the Bachelor of Arts degree in Advert/Public Relations, a minimum of 120 credits is required:

Requirement Credits
General Didactics 45
Electives 26
Bachelor of Arts Caste Requirements 24
Requirements for the Major 35

ten of the 45 credits for General Educational activity are included in the Requirements for the Major. This includes: 6 credits of GS courses; 4 credits of GQ courses.

3 of the 24 credits for Bachelor of Arts Degree Requirements are included in the Requirements for the Major, General Education, or Electives and 0-12 credits are included in Electives if foreign language proficiency is demonstrated by exam.

Students must select at least 72 credits in courses exterior the Bellisario Higher of Communications.

General Education

Connecting career and marvel, the General Education curriculum provides the opportunity for students to acquire transferable skills necessary to be successful in the future and to thrive while living in interconnected contexts. General Education aids students in developing intellectual marvel, a strengthened ability to think, and a deeper sense of aesthetic appreciation. These are requirements for all baccalaureate students and are oft partially incorporated into the requirements of a program. For additional information, see the General Teaching Requirements section of the Bulletin and consult your academic adviser.

The keystone symbolKeystone/General Education Course appears adjacent to the title of any course that is designated as a General Pedagogy class. Program requirements may also satisfy Full general Educational activity requirements and vary for each plan.

Foundations (grade of C or improve is required.)

  • Quantification (GQ): vi credits
  • Writing and Speaking (GWS): 9 credits

Knowledge Domains

  • Arts (GA): 6 credits
  • Health and Health (GHW): iii credits
  • Humanities (GH): 6 credits
  • Social and Behavioral Sciences (GS): 6 credits
  • Natural Sciences (GN): ix credits

Integrative Studies (may besides complete a Knowledge Domain requirement)

  • Inter-Domain or Approved Linked Courses: 6 credits

University Caste Requirements

First Year Engagement

All students enrolled in a higher or the Division of Undergraduate Studies at University Park, and the World Campus are required to take one to 3 credits of the First-Year Seminar, as specified by their college Outset-Year Engagement Program.

Other Penn Land colleges and campuses may crave the Start-Year Seminar; colleges and campuses that do not require a First-Year Seminar provide students with a get-go-twelvemonth engagement experience.

First-twelvemonth baccalaureate students entering Penn State should consult their academic adviser for these requirements.

Cultures Requirement

6 credits are required and may satisfy other requirements

  • United States Cultures: 3 credits
  • International Cultures: 3 credits

Writing Across the Curriculum

3 credits required from the higher of graduation and likely prescribed as part of major requirements.

Full Minimum Credits

A minimum of 120 caste credits must be earned for a baccalaureate degree. The requirements for some programs may exceed 120 credits. Students should consult with their higher or department adviser for data on specific credit requirements.

Quality of Piece of work

Candidates must consummate the degree requirements for their major and earn at least a 2.00 form-point average for all courses completed within their degree program.

Limitations on Source and Fourth dimension for Credit Conquering

The college dean or campus chancellor and program kinesthesia may require upwardly to 24 credits of course piece of work in the major to exist taken at the location or in the college or plan where the caste is earned. Credit used toward degree programs may need to be earned from a particular source or within time constraints (meet Senate Policy 83-eighty). For more than information, check the Suggested Academic Plan for your intended plan.

B.A. Caste Requirements

Foreign Language (0-12 credits): Student must attain 12th credit level of proficiency in 1 foreign language. Run into the Placement Policy for Penn Country Strange Language Courses.

B.A. Fields (9 credits): Humanities, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Arts, Foreign Languages, Natural Sciences, Quantification (may not exist taken in the surface area of the student'southward master major; foreign language credits in this category must be in a 2d foreign language or beyond the 12th credit level of proficiency in the offset linguistic communication)

Other Cultures (0-3 credits): Select 3 credits from canonical list. Students may count courses in this category in order to come across other major, modest, constituent, or General Education requirements, except for the General Education US/IL requirement.​

Requirements for the Major

A course of C or better is required for all courses in the major. To graduate, a student enrolled in the major must earn at least a C course in each course designated by the major as a C-required class, equally specified by Senate Policy 82-44.

Common Requirements for the Major (All Options)

Prescribed Courses
Prescribed Courses: Crave a form of C or ameliorate
COMM 160 Bones News Writing Skills 1
ECON 102 Introductory Microeconomic Assay and Policy Keystone/General Education Course iii
PSYCH 100 Introductory Psychology Keystone/General Education Course three
STAT 200 Unproblematic Statistics Keystone/General Education Course iv
Supporting Courses and Related Areas
Supporting Courses and Related Areas: Crave a class of C or amend
Select 3 credits of COMM courses (other than COMM 100) iii
Requirements for the Choice
Requirements for the Choice: Require a course of C or better
Select an choice 21

Requirements for the Option

Advert Option (21 credits)

Available at the post-obit campuses: University Park

Prescribed Courses
Prescribed Courses: Require a course of C or improve
COMM 320 Introduction to Advertizing 3
COMM 420 Research Methods in Advert and Public Relations 3
COMM 421W Advertising Artistic Strategies 3
COMM 422 Advertising Media Planning 3
COMM 424 Advertising Campaigns iii
Additional Courses
Additional Courses: Crave a grade of C or amend
Select 6 credits from the following: 6

COMM 370

Public Relations

COMM 373

Crisis Communications in Public Relations

COMM 410

International Mass Communications

COMM 411

Cultural Aspects of the Mass Media

COMM 417

Ethics and Regulation in Advertising and Public Relations

COMM 418

Media Effects: Theory and Inquiry

COMM 425

Advanced Advertizing Campaigns

COMM 426

International and Intercultural Strategic Advice

COMM 427

Client/Agency Relations

COMM 468

Graphic Applications in Print Communications

COMM 494

Inquiry Projection Courses

COMM 495

Internship (3 credits)

COMM 496

Contained Studies

COMM 499

Strange Study--Mass Communications
Public Relations Option (21 credits)

Bachelor at the following campuses: University Park

Prescribed Courses
Prescribed Courses: Require a grade of C or better
COMM 260W News Writing and Reporting 3
COMM 370 Public Relations 3
COMM 420 Research Methods in Advertisement and Public Relations 3
COMM 471 Public Relations Media and Methods three
COMM 473 Public Relations Campaigns 3
Additional Courses
Additional Courses: Require a form of C or better
Select half-dozen credits from the following: six

COMM 320

Introduction to Advertising

COMM 373

Crisis Communications in Public Relations

COMM 410

International Mass Communications

COMM 411

Cultural Aspects of the Mass Media

COMM 417

Ethics and Regulation in Advertising and Public Relations

COMM 418

Media Effects: Theory and Enquiry

COMM 425

Advanced Advertisement Campaigns

COMM 426

International and Intercultural Strategic Communication

COMM 427

Client/Agency Relations

COMM 468

Graphic Applications in Print Communications

COMM 495

Internship (3 credits)

COMM 496

Independent Studies

COMM 499

Foreign Report--Mass Communications

Learning Outcomes

Professional Values and Competencies

Private professions in journalism and mass communication may require certain specialized values and competencies. Irrespective of their particular specialization, all graduates should be enlightened of sure core values and competencies and be able to:

  1. sympathise and utilize the principles and laws of freedom of speech and printing for the country in which the institution that invites ACEJMC is located, too as receive instruction in and empathize the range of systems of freedom of expression around the world, including the right to dissent, to monitor and criticize power, and assemble and to petition for redress of grievances;
  2. demonstrate an understanding of the history and role of professionals and institutions in shaping communications;
  3. demonstrate an understanding of gender, race ethnicity, sexual orientation and, every bit advisable, other forms of diversity in domestic society in relation to mass communications;
  4. demonstrate an agreement of the diversity of peoples and cultures and of the significance and impact of mass communications in a global order;
  5. understand concepts and apply theories in the utilise and presentation of images and information;
  6. demonstrate an understanding of professional person ethical principles and piece of work ethically in pursuit of truth, accuracy, fairness and diversity;
  7. think critically, creatively and independently;
  8. deport enquiry and evaluate information by methods appropriate to the communications professions in which they piece of work;
  9. write correctly and clearly in forms and styles advisable for the communications professions, audiences and purposes they serve;
  10. critically evaluate their own work and that of others for accuracy and fairness, clarity, advisable manner and grammatical correctness;
  11. apply basic numerical and statistical concepts;
  12. utilize bones tools and technologies appropriate for the communications professions in which they work.

Academic Advising

The objectives of the university's academic advising program are to help advisees identify and achieve their bookish goals, to promote their intellectual discovery, and to encourage students to accept reward of both in-and out-of class educational opportunities in society that they become self-directed learners and decision makers.

Both advisers and advisees share responsibility for making the advising relationship succeed. By encouraging their advisees to become engaged in their education, to see their educational goals, and to develop the habit of learning, advisers presume a significant educational role. The advisee's unit of enrollment volition provide each advisee with a primary academic adviser, the information needed to plan the chosen program of study, and referrals to other specialized resource.


University Park

Brenda Johnson
Authoritative Back up Banana
204 Carnegie Building
Academy Park, PA 16802

Suggested Bookish Plan

The suggested academic plan(s) listed on this page are the plan(southward) that are in effect during the 2021-22 bookish year. To access previous years' suggested bookish plans, please visit the archive to view the appropriate Undergraduate Bulletin edition (Note: the archive merely contains suggested academic plans beginning with the 2018-xix edition of the Undergraduate Message).

The Advertising and Public Relations options of the Advertizing/Public Relations major is nether authoritative enrollment control. Delight review entrance to major requirements constitute at

Advertisement Option: Advertizement/Public Relations, B.A. at University Park Campus and Commonwealth Campuses

The form serial listed below provides only ane of the many possible ways to motion through this curriculum. The University may brand changes in policies, procedures, educational offerings, and requirements at whatever time. This plan should be used in conjunction with your degree inspect (attainable in LionPATH as either an Academic Requirements or What If study). Delight consult with a Penn Land academic adviser on a regular basis to develop and refine an academic plan that is appropriate for you.

First Yr
Fall Credits Jump Credits
COMM 160* i ECON 102 (GS)*#† three
ENGL xv or 30H (GWS)*#†‡ three General Instruction Grade (GN) 3
PSYCH 100 (GS)*† 3 General Didactics Form (GH) (Inter-Domain) 3
General Education Course (GN) (Inter-Domain) 3 BA Noesis Domain (IL Cultures) iii
Foreign Language 4 Strange Language four
PSU ix 1
15 16
2nd Year
Fall Credits Spring Credits
General Education Course (GQ) 3 COMM 320*i 3
Full general Teaching Course (GA) three BA Knowledge Domain 3
General Teaching Course (GN) 3 BA Noesis Domain (US Cultures) 3
General Educational activity Grade (GH) 3 BA Other Cultures three
Foreign Language iv Not-COMM Constituent iii
16 15
Third Year
Fall Credits Spring Credits
STAT 200 (GQ)*† 4 COMM 420* 3
COMM 421W* 3 COMM 370, 373, 410, 411, 417, 418, 425, 426, 427, 468, 495, 496, or 499* 3
CAS 100A, 100B, or 100C (GWS) three ENGL 202A, 202B, 202C, or 202D (GWS) iii
Elective iii General Education Course (GA) three
Elective 3 Elective iii
16 fifteen
Fourth Year
Autumn Credits Spring Credits
COMM 422* 3 COMM 424* iii
COMM 370, 373, 410, 411, 417, 418, 425, 426, 427, 468, 495, 496, or 499* 3 Any COMM Course (except COMM 100 or COMM 120)* 3
Constituent 3 Constituent 3
Elective iii Elective iii
General Didactics Course (GHW) ane.five General Pedagogy Course (GHW) 1.5
13.five xiii.v
Full Credits 120

University Requirements and Full general Education Notes:

US and IL are abbreviations used to designate courses that satisfy University Requirements (United States and International Cultures).

West, M, X, and Y are the suffixes at the terminate of a course number used to designate courses that satisfy University Writing Beyond the Curriculum requirement.

GWS, GQ, GHW, GN, GA, GH, and GS are abbreviations used to place General Education program courses. General Education includes Foundations (GWS and GQ) and Cognition Domains (GHW, GN, GA, GH, GS, and Integrative Studies). Foundations courses (GWS and GQ) require a grade of 'C' or better.

Integrative Studies courses are required for the General Didactics program. Northward is the suffix at the end of a course number used to designate an Inter-Domain class and Z is the suffix at the stop of a course number used to designate a Linked course.

All incoming Schreyer Honors Higher first-year students at University Park volition take ENGL 137H/CAS 137H in the fall semester and ENGL 138T/CAS 138T in the spring semester. These courses acquit the GWS designation and supersede both ENGL 30H and CAS 100. Each course is 3 credits.

Bachelor of Arts Requirements:

Bachelor of Arts students must have 9 credits in Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Fields (Humanities; Social and Behavioral Sciences; Arts; Globe Languages [second language or across the 12th credit level of proficiency in the 1st]; Natural Sciences; Quantification). The B.A. Fields courses may not be taken in the area of the pupil'southward primary major. See your adviser and the Degree Requirements department of this Bulletin.

Available of Arts students must take 3 credits in Other Cultures.
See your adviser and the total list of courses approved every bit Other Cultures courses.

Public Relations Pick: Advertising/Public Relations, B.A. at Academy Park Campus and Democracy Campuses

The course series listed below provides merely ane of the many possible ways to move through this curriculum. The University may make changes in policies, procedures, educational offerings, and requirements at any time. This program should be used in conjunction with your caste audit (accessible in LionPATH as either an Academic Requirements or What If study). Please consult with a Penn State academic adviser on a regular basis to develop and refine an academic program that is appropriate for y'all.

Commencement Yr
Fall Credits Leap Credits
COMM 160* i ECON 102 (GS)*#† 3
ENGL fifteen or 30H (GWS)*#†‡ three General Educational activity Course (GN) 3
PSYCH 100 (GS)*† 3 General Education Form (GH) (Inter-Domain) 3
Full general Education Course (GN) (Inter-Domain) 3 BA Knowledge Domain (IL Cultures) 3
Foreign Language four Foreign Language 4
PSU 9 1
15 16
Second Yr
Fall Credits Spring Credits
General Didactics Course (GQ) 3 COMM 370*1 3
General Instruction Course (GA) 3 BA Knowledge Domain 3
General Education Course (GN) 3 BA Knowledge Domain (US Cultures) three
General Pedagogy Course (GH) 3 BA Other Cultures 3
Foreign Linguistic communication four Non-COMM Elective 3
16 15
3rd Year
Autumn Credits Jump Credits
STAT 200 (GQ)*† four COMM 420* three
COMM 260W* 3 COMM 320, 373, 410, 411, 417, 418, 425, 426, 427, 468, 495, 496, or 499* 3
CAS 100A, 100B, or 100C (GWS) three ENGL 202A, 202B, 202C, or 202D (GWS) 3
Elective 3 Full general Education Class (GA) 3
Elective 3 Elective iii
16 15
Fourth Year
Fall Credits Spring Credits
COMM 471* 3 COMM 473* 3
COMM 320, 373, 410, 411, 417, 418, 425, 426, 427, 468, 495, 496, or 499* 3 Any COMM Form (except COMM 100 or COMM 120)* three
Elective three Elective 3
Elective 3 Elective 3
General Education Form (GHW) 1.5 General Education Course (GHW) 1.5
13.five thirteen.5
Full Credits 120

University Requirements and General Instruction Notes:

US and IL are abbreviations used to designate courses that satisfy Academy Requirements (U.s. and International Cultures).

Westward, 1000, X, and Y are the suffixes at the finish of a course number used to designate courses that satisfy Academy Writing Across the Curriculum requirement.

GWS, GQ, GHW, GN, GA, GH, and GS are abbreviations used to identify General Educational activity program courses. General Teaching includes Foundations (GWS and GQ) and Knowledge Domains (GHW, GN, GA, GH, GS, and Integrative Studies). Foundations courses (GWS and GQ) require a form of 'C' or better.

Integrative Studies courses are required for the General Education program. N is the suffix at the end of a class number used to designate an Inter-Domain course and Z is the suffix at the end of a course number used to designate a Linked course.

All incoming Schreyer Honors Higher first-year students at University Park will take ENGL 137H/CAS 137H in the fall semester and ENGL 138T/CAS 138T in the spring semester. These courses bear the GWS designation and replace both ENGL 30H and CAS 100. Each class is 3 credits.

Available of Arts Requirements:

Bachelor of Arts students must take 9 credits in Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Fields (Humanities; Social and Behavioral Sciences; Arts; Globe Languages [2nd language or across the 12th credit level of proficiency in the 1st]; Natural Sciences; Quantification). The B.A. Fields courses may not exist taken in the expanse of the educatee's primary major. See your adviser and the Degree Requirements section of this Bulletin.

Available of Arts students must take 3 credits in Other Cultures.
See your adviser and the full list of courses canonical as Other Cultures courses.

Career Paths

An advertising/public relations degree prepares students to enter careers in business, communications, mass media and other fields that value effective communicators and storytellers. Graduates tin notice opportunities from coast to declension and with companies or organizations of nearly any size and manufacture. The advertising/public relations degree'due south versatility prepares students to accept an immediate touch in helping a brand, company or organization tell its story.


Opportunities for Graduate Studies

Near undergraduates initially enter the professional earth, but the multifaceted skill set up associated with an advertizing/public relations degree provides a foundation for success in graduate school. Undergraduates leave well-versed in the inquiry necessary to carry out campaigns and the importance of analytics in measuring success.



The Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications is evaluated regularly by the Accrediting Quango on Didactics in Journalism and Mass Communications, consistently meeting the high standards of the system defended to excellence in professional person instruction in journalism and mass communications. For undergraduate students, accreditation almost practically means that upper-level professional person classes in each major volition be conducted in rooms with 20 or fewer students.



University Park

22 Carnegie Building
University Park, PA 16802


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