Make Lords Trust You Again Prophesy of Pendor

Sir Rayne.png
Sir Rayne equip.png

Sir Rayne is a possible companion and ane of the concluding extant Knights of the Order of the Falcon. He apparently hails from or  effectually the urban center of Rane, as he was evidently named for the home of his social club by his father. At the time of the player'south adventures, he is seeking to earn himself a living under a suitable commander and seeks to revive his unjustly outlawed order. As far as knights go, he's an excellent addition to a more honorable party, being a solid cavalryman and being decently armed and armored enough to fight in a battle caput on and shows decent enough competency on foot as well should he be dismounted or fight in a siege.

He is rather stuck up and priggish (likely a result of his upbringing and station as an order knight) and goes on forever about his knightly exploits and honor, but he is non really such a bad sort to most.

He will tell his tale the starting time time the player goes near Rane and Sir Rayne is on his/her party.

He is equipped with a Mail Coif, Mail Boots, Mail Mittens, Blue & White Eagle on Post, Social club of the Falcon Kite Shield, Blue Caparisoned Hunter, Long Blueish Cavalry Lance and a Ravenstern Sword.

He deplores Boadice (ii), who often makes crude remarks nearly him and doubts his position as a knight and is at odds with Frederick (ane), who ofttimes does the same, particularly when Sir Rayne makes whatever mention about using lighter weaponry considering of his historic period. Information technology makes him very nervous when Kaverra eyes a certain part of his anatomy and pats her Manopener, but mercifully the two accept no open up quarrel and he is likely just ane of many that is made nervous past her honey of that weapon. He seems to like Ansen and would like to mentor him, but is besides snobbish to mentor a merchant's son. He definitely sees centre-to-eye with Ediz (3), as both seem to have a like code of honor and the two appear to become fast friends should they serve alongside eachother:

  • (i): {Sir/Madam}, Frederick is a silly onetime geezer who fancies himself yet a soldier. He persists in offering me unwanted and unnecessary advice on fighting techniques, and I must request that you order him to refrain from doing so!
  • (ane): He'd do improve to switch to a Bounder sword - historic period is robbing him of the force to wield a Great Sword, in my stance. He is too a braggart and I find his tales of Mettenheim's glory abominably repetitive.
  • (2): My adept {Sir/Lady}, I trust you volition non object to my telling yous that cocky-proclaimed Queen of the May, Boadice, needs to learn a bit of respect for the male sex activity and for knights in particular. Her discourtesy to me passes all bounds!
  • (2): I admit that Boadice is brave in battle, simply courage is not the but attribute of a true queen. I must too confess that hearing of her treatment of men on Veccavi makes me blench, and she exploits this regularly when she addresses me!
  • (3): Helm, Ediz acquitted himself well in that fight back in that location. Though he'southward only a Singalian, he doesn't desire for backbone, and he'southward very skilled.
  • (3): Were he of noble blood, I'd offer him membership in the Order of the Falcon. It is a pity that he is Singalian. Still, he is a worthy comrade in arms.

He is a noble with martial personality, making him lord volition consequence on him recruiting a wide variety of Pendor commoner and noble troops and a few Lodge of the Falcon troops, this is his template:

  • 2-4 Pendor Recruit
  • 2-4 Pendor Militia
  • 2-iv Pendor Light Bowman
  • iii-six Pendor Footman
  • 3-6 Pendor Heavy Bowman
  • 2-4 Pendor Spearman
  • 2-5 Pendor Swordsman
  • 1-two Pendor Homo-at-Artillery
  • 3-5 Pendor Armored Bowman
  • 1-two Pendor Nobleman
  • one-iii Pendor Squire
  • 1-3 Pendor Mtd. Man-at-Arms
  • ane-3 Pendor Knight
  • 1-2 Pendor Black Archer
  • 0-ii Pendor Foot Knight
  • ii-5 Talon of the Falcon
  • 2-three Knight of the Falcon

He volition join you for 5000 denars. He has mediocre leadership (3) and ok training skill (iv). His proficiencies are not too high, none surpassing the 200, with the highest beingness the melee ones, but the ranged don't autumn likewise short (all 160). He should remain in a similar playstyle than the one she starts with (lance and 1h sword with shield, over a horse), much alike a Knight, else, he can likewise perform nicely as a on foot crossbowman (as he has 0 power throw and 0 ability draw), with preferably something like a halberd (to accept advantage of his higher starting polearms proficiency), else, give him the more safe 1h weapon and shield. Nonetheless, note that he has relatively low level (fifteen), meaning he has potential to level upwardly many times and thus, allowing him to change to another playstyle. He has good riding (5) and outstanding athletics (7), he will do fine in both, simply on human foot is preferred (as it volition also result on him asking for less wages).

When sent to gain Right to dominion for the player, the troops he may bring for your political party are Knight of the Falcon, Ravenstern Knight and Talon of the Falcon. To know more about this new feature, cheque here. Sir Rayne is special on this, he volition object non on one companion, but two. If y'all have Frederick of Mettenheim in your political party upon sending Sir Rayne, Frederick will object, and Rayne volition object if you send Frederick OR Boadice.

The player may ask 1 companion every calendar week for troops. If Sir Rayne is the 1 chosen, he may give Maiden Ranger,Talon of the Falcon or Maiden Noble. To know more well-nigh this, check here.


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